Michael Goodwin
Michael Goodwin

Welcome to the Friends of Michael Goodwin website. We are dedicated to the exoneration and release of Michael F. Goodwin, the apprehension and conviction of the true perpetrators of the Mickey and Trudy Thompson murders, and the improvement of true justice, fairness and efficiency in our legal system. 


  1. Original charges in Orange County, CA, were dismissed due to a lack of verifiable claims and jurisdiction. The murders occurred in Los Angeles County. 
  2. Michael was illegally retried in Los Angeles County, CA, on the same charges - and found guilty. No Los Angeles County arrest affidavit has ever been produced to this day. Michael is the victim of both wrongful conviction and violation of arrest procedure, rendering the Los Angeles conviction null and void, according to the law.
  3. The Jury Foreperson's statement to the LOS ANGELES TIMES stated that there was NO evidence produced tying him to the crime. (Read the original document to the right.)
  4. Key witness John Bradley, friend of both Mickey Thompson and Michael Goodwin, is not allowed in the courtroom in order to testify that Mickey Thompson never complained to him that Michael Goodwin was making threatening phone calls to him, as alleged by the prosecution. And he had talked to Mickey Thompson shortly before the murder.
  5. Previously convicted felon Joey Hunter's admission of being at the scene of the crime is discarded as no investigation is ever performed - or immediate arrest as an accessory to the crime. He was witnessed by a resident as coming from the direction of the Thompson house - and then threw his brand new 10 speed bike into a ravine before taking off on foot.
  6. Michael Goodwin's actual payment of a court ordered judgment to Mickey Thompson is never brought up in court, leading jurors to conclude that the murder was planned by Michael Goodwin to avoid having to make that payment. It was in fact made.
  7. The judge refused to allow the defense to present a list of people that wanted Mickey Thompson dead.
  8. Incorrect and illegal jury instructions were given by the judge.
  9. Refusal of the judge to recuse herself as she was a former employee of the prosecutor.
  10. Refusal of the judge to dismiss the case based on the "new" allegation that the murder weapon had been found in Michael Goodwin's garage, lying in plain site on a workbench. The barrel twists on this weapon did not match the recovered bullets. All of this was documented in police reports but was still used as the excuse for Michael Goodwin's second trial. As expected, the gun charge was immediately dismissed on commencement of the 2nd trial in LA County.
  11. Click here to read Michael Goodwin's latest pleading.

Write to Michael at:

Michael F. Goodwin F69095

R.J. Donovan Correctional Facility,  E24 - D101

480 Alta Road, San Diego, CA 92179

Email Michael directly by following these instructions:

1. Go to GettingOut.com

2. Click on "Messages & Photos" at the top right.

3. Then click on "Written Messages" and follow the prompts.

Additional information:

"CDCR_Richard J. Donovan Facility" is his facility.

His inmate number is: F69095

To utilize this service, (which requires you to go to this website to both send and receive emails from Michael) you must make a minimum deposit of $1. Every time you send an email to Michael there is a minimum charge of five cents that will be deducted from your $1 deposit.

Still confused (it can be a confusing process,) call this number: 866-516-0115 

Email Webmaster: friendsofmichaelgoodwin@gmail.com

(From left) Movie Producer Larry Cano, Michael F. Goodwin and Private Investigator and author Paul E. Blackford
(From left) Movie Producer Larry Cano, Michael F. Goodwin and Private Investigator and author Paul E. Blackford

Was the DEA gathering license plate numbers of cars coming down the street after making their "drop" at the Thompson residence (and not Michael Goodwin, as testified in the trial)? Was (murdered) nephew Scott Campbell and the Vagos motorcycle gang involved? New evidence found by an outside professional investigator shows the Thompson murders were...

"There was no evidence offered that showed a direct connection between the people who in fact killed Mickey and Trudy Thompson and Michael Goodwin." "Personally, I was initially reluctant to vote for conviction because I had heard no credible evidence connecting Michael Goodwin to the actual killers..."

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